minitagetool : Usage

Installing a project

Now what you cant is to install your project.

Minitage needs a minilay with one or more minibuilds declaring your project, and the project itself.

The minilay can be either contained on the project repository or be on a separate repo, do as you want.

The only thing you have to do is to install the project minilay in minitage/minilays/

  • Either by checkouting your project in its minitage final location (<minitage>/categ/minibuild), and then symlick the minilay:

    mkdir minitage/zope
    cd minitage
    git clone git@foo:bar zope/bar
    ln -s $PWD/zope/bar/minilay minilays
  • Or by directly checkouting the minilay:

    cd minitage
    git clone git@foo:bar-minilay minitage/minilays/bar-minilay
  • Run the minimerge dance via the tool + the ONLINE switch:

    ./ deploy <projectminibuild> [<otherminibuild>]

Upgrade minitage itself

Time to time, you need to update your software stack... Or you have issues with minitage and want to see if is is now fixed,

Online (internet) mode upgrade

./ selfupgrade

Offline (no internet) mode upgrade

After having upgrade local source code (eg from snapshot tarballs):

./ offlineupgrade

Reinstalling projects while upgrading

Think to redeploy your project dependencies updates, You can do this command to do the whole at the same time (update minitage+projects):

./ selfupgrade|offlineupgrade <projectminibuild> [<otherminibuild>]

Upgrade projects

This will pull the new code from origin and then do a regular deploy Simply run:

./ upgrade <projectminibuild> [<otherminibuild>]

Make a snapshot

You can reproduce a minitage installation by taking a snapshot. This snapshot will be usable offline:

./ snapshot [<project> <projectn>]

Without argument it snapshots all projects. It excludes the var directory among others. Giving argument will filter the “projects” tarball including only the specified projects.

Deploy a snapshot

mkdir minitage
cd minitage

get the archives produced by ./ snapshot:

tar xzvf <minitageoffline-CHRONO-base.tar.gz>
tar xzvf <minitageoffline-CHRONO-downloads.tar.gz>
tar xzvf <minitageoffline-CHRONO-projects.tar.gz>

Restore the snapshot to an usable state:

./ offlinedeploy <project>

(Re)install a project in offline mode

Just as earlier, use the offline switch:

./ offlinedeploy <project>

Launch cgwb

Cgwb is the minitage project generator web frontend:

./ cgwb

Downloads Errors

If you see such a traceback, just relaunch the issued command to see if it was a temporary download problem

minitage.recipe: Cache download as /home/user/.buildout/downloads/minitage
minitage.recipe: Downloading in /home/user/.buildout/downloads/minitage/libpng-1.5.9.tar.gz
  Installing part.

An internal error occured due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
recipe being used:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/eggs/cache/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/", line 1923, in main
    getattr(buildout, command)(args)
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/eggs/cache/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/", line 604, in install
    installed_files = self[part]._call(recipe.install)
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/sources/buildout.minitagificator/src/buildout/minitagificator/", line 243, in _call
    ret = Options._old_call(self, f)
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/eggs/cache/zc.buildout-2.1.0-py2.7.egg/zc/buildout/", line 1358, in _call
    return f()
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/sources/minitage.recipe.cmmi/src/minitage/recipe/cmmi/", line 216, in install
    fname = self._download(md5=self.md5, cache=True)
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/sources/minitage.recipe.common/src/minitage/recipe/common/", line 943, in _download
  File "/usr/home/user/minitage/sources/minitage.core/src/minitage/core/", line 364, in get_from_cache
    raise MinimergeError(msg)
MinimergeError: Failed download for     need more than 1 value to unpack
Backup of the downloaded file has been made in /home/user/.buildout/downloads/minitage/libpng-1.5.9.tar.gz.md5sum_mismatch.0