Is minitage for me : Yes, it makes no doubt.
Is it free: It is completly free (GPL2)!
Minitage is a meta packages manager:
- It’s goal is to integrate build systems / other package manager together to make them install in a well known layout.
- It isolates your project & dependencies as much as possible from the host system
- This makes deployments easy, even if the first one can be tedious to assemble, idea is focused on the automation & reproducibility.
- This enables you to have industrialized & reproducible environments
- This will save developers from manual compilation and configuration steps from sysadmin world
- This will save admins from crazy developers stuff
- This can even deploy your software totally offline
If you have some doubts about them, feel free to inform us on the bug tracker :)
It s a collection of tools used by professionals which tends to be well documented and tested.
Makina Corpus use it as its primary tool to deploy python based websites and intranets.
Some public references:
- Read carefully this documentation:
- And this one can be good too:
- It is essential for you to know the basics of buildout to use it.
- It is not necessary for you to test it because you will do the practise part just after ;).