A plone3 project with relstorage (postgresql) and varnish2 supportΒΆ

First some variables:

export prefix=/somewhere
export python=$prefix/python
export minitage=$prefix/minitage
export ins=$minitage/zope/plony
export paster=$mt/bin/paster

Bootstrap python:

mkdir -p $python
cd $python
wget http://git.minitage.org/git/minitage/shell/plain/PyBootstrapper.sh
bash ./PyBootstrapper.sh $python

Make a minitage instance:

$python/bin/virtualenv --no-site-packages $minitage
source $minitage/bin/activate
easy_install -U minitage minitage.paste
minimerge -s

Create and install a plone3 with RelsSorage project with the varnish2 and postgresql profiles on top of it:

$paster create -t minitage.plone3 plony with_psycopg2=yes mode=relstorage
minimerge plony
$paster create -t minitage.instances.varnish2 plony
$paster create -t minitage.instances.postgresql plony

Launch the varnish if you want (you may edit the VCL in $ins/sys/etc/varnish before):

cd $mt/zope/plony
$ins/sys/etc/init.d/plony-varnish2 restart
$ins/sys/etc/init.d/postgresql_plony.plony restart
$ins/bin/instance fg

You can verify that you have things in the db:


Play around and when your are ready, just version in this way:

Of course, here category is zope.

Don’t forget to adapt the src_uri or your minibuild:
