minitage category : zope
- A buildout for development mode with additionnal tools for debugging your application
- A buildout for production (crons, backups, supervisor, load balancing, apache & nginx support)
- Myriad of products & additionnal tools support
template : minitage.pyramid
minitage category : pyramid
template initialization and starting your project:
$mt/bin/paster create -t minitage.django myproject
$mt/categ/project/bin/paster serve $mt/categ/project/etc/CONFIG.ini
# or
$mt/categ/project/bin/project_manage runserver # may God kill you :)
template : minitage.django
minitage category : django
We provide paste configuration files to launch your application in a WSGI envrionnement, please stop using runserver!
template initialization and starting your project:
$mt/bin/paster create -t minitage.django myproject
$mt/categ/project/bin/paster serve $mt/categ/project/etc/CONFIG.ini
# or
$mt/categ/project/bin/project_manage runserver # may God kill you :)