Choose an existing minitage layout if any suits your needs.
Create the project itself and package it to be ‘minitage compliant’ (uploading, versionining). To quickstart, just just an existing minitage template.
Create or edit a minibuild, in a minilays which points to this layout:
mkdir -p $mt/minilays/mynewminilay
vim $mt/minilays/mynewminilay/project
Maybe, it is a good time to version the minilay.
Lets go for the minimerge dance:
minimerge myproject
Play around and when your are ready, just version in this way:
- $mt/category/project -> http://url/buildouts/$category/myproject
- $mt/minilays/yourproject -> http://url/minilays/myproject
Don’t forget to adapt the src_uri or your minibuild: