You can use the minitagify helper to generate some configs making automaticly:
- wrappers to all buildouts in the top directory to wrap minitage environment
- a minilay with minibuilds pointing to those wrappers
This will help you integrating minitage !
If you project layout is something like:
├── base.cfg
├── buildout.cfg
├── otherbuildout.cfg
└── foo
└── bar
You want it to be installed a a zope project, do the following:
cd ~/minitage
. bin/activate
mkdir -p zope
SCM clone URL zope/yourproject
minitagify -d zope/yourproject
Wraping /minitage/zope/foo/otherbuildout.cfg (minitage27.cfg) in /minitage/zope/foo/minitage.otherbuildout.cfg->/minitage/zope/foo/.minitagecfg/otherbuildout.cfg
Wraping /minitage/zope/foo/buildout.cfg (minitage27.cfg) in /minitage/zope/foo/minitage.buildout.cfg->/minitage/zope/foo/.minitagecfg/buildout.cfg
Wraping /minitage/zope/foo/base.cfg (minitage27.cfg) in /minitage/zope/foo/minitage.base.cfg->/minitage/zope/foo/.minitagecfg/base.cfg
Wroted minibuild foo-base in /minitage/minilays/0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f88/foo-base
Wroted minibuild foo-otherbuildout in /minitage/minilays/0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f88/foo-otherbuildout
Wroted minibuild foo-buildout in /minitage/minilays/0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f88/foo-buildout
Wroted minibuild foo in /minitage/minilays/0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f88/foo
Installed minilay /minitage/zope/zope/foo/.minitagecfg/0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f88 by symlink: /minitage/minilays/0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f8
You can then add the generated .minitagecfg folder to your SCM:
git add .minitagecfg
The content of .minitagecfg explained:
├── 0-foo_8c3b59e78bfffa92309ff5bf96b21f88 -> the minilay
│ ├── foo
│ ├── foo-base
│ ├── foo-buildout
│ └── foo-otherbuildout
├── base.cfg -> wrapper to base
├── buildout.cfg -> wrapper to base
├── minitage26.cfg -> wrapper to use py26
├── minitage27.cfg -> wrapper to use py27
├── minitage.cfg -> minitage integration base variables
└── -> wrapper to otherbuildout.cfg
You will then have to use:
- minitage.base.cfg for base.cfg
- minitage.buildout.cfg for buildout.cfg
- minitage.otherbuildout.cfg for otherbuildout.cfg
cd zope/yourproject
bin/buildout -vvvvvvvNc minitage.buildout.cfg
bin/buildout -vvvvvvvNc minitage.otherbuildout.cfg
If no buildouts are present it will generate a base plone addon (plonetest) buildout infratructure
Althought you are not obliged to use minitage features, we would recommend to follow the next steps
- Best practise is to make an extendend minitage.cfg configuration file which include the minitage environment. You will make a python section pointing to the minitage python installation choosen, add also no eggified packages
# the path to find the libxslt python bindings, maybe your global site-packages?
recipe = minitage.recipe.scripts | zc.recipe.egg
python = python2.6
Some important things to note in this configuration:
Use the common egg cache to drop your built eggs:
[buildout] eggs-directory=${buildout:directory}/../../eggs/cacheReplace recipes with minitage ones if the equivalent exists with buildout.minitagificator
- zc.recipe.egg, zc.recipe.egg:scripts -> minitage.recipe:scripts
- something:cmmi -> minitage.recipe.cmmi
Read to understand what do the recipes
Make a minibuild pointing to your project:
[minibuild] dependencies=openssl-1 libxml2-2.6 libxslt-1.1 zlib-1.2 py-libxml2-2.6 py-libxslt-1.1 python-2.6 ... install_method=buildout src_uri= src_type=hg category=zope homepage= description=somethingVersion the whole and letz go. (see Project versionning).